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Garda Vetting
In line with best practice in the recruitment and selection of persons to work with children, all Bantry Blues GAA & LGFA coaches and mentors are Garda vetted and are required to attend a child protection workshop.
To get garda vetted please follow the following process:
*It is recommended to use the Chrome browser on your laptop/desktop
If any of the links below do not work please visit the official GAA website - Garda Vetting section -vetting gaa
Step 1 The initial application vetting process – Gather your information
Aghada GAA applicants for vetting need to provide 2 documents which must be scanned and attached by the applicant as part of step 2 below.
1. proof of identity
2. proof of current residence.
You must in the first instance complete the GAA E-Vetting Identification Validation Form
This form compels you to provide proof of your identity to the Club Children’s Officer, who must verify that they have received the ID verification as required. The ID verification along with the E-Vetting Identification Validation Form is retained by the Club Children’s Officer for the duration of the e-vetting process or it may be attached by you at Step 2 to the Online E-Vetting application Form.
The primary purpose of this form is for you to provide your name, address, club, role for which you applied, and to present your ID (e.g. copy of your passport plus a utility bill showing your current address) plus a valid email address for future reference. The full list of documents which are accepted for verification can be found here
GAA E-Vetting Identification Validation Form
Additional details available at the following link Vetting (
Step 2 Completing the Vetting Application Form
Applicants, club members can complete the GAA on-line E-Vetting Application Form by selecting this Vetting Application link
The two documents (proof of identity and proof of current residence) and GAA E-Vetting ID Validation form should be uploaded and attached and sent along with this form
When the applicant selects SUBMIT the form is sent automatically to the NVB (National Vetting Bureau) by the GAA
The details entered will be emailed back to you, for your own records.
Our ClubChildrens Officer will also receive an email informing him/her that you have applied as a member of the club, to be issued with the NVB Vetting Application Form.
If the applicant is under 18 yrs. of age?
A parental consent form (NVB Parent/Guardian Consent Form) must be completed; all applicants between 16 and 18 yrs. of age should complete the form, scan and attach.
Step 3 NVB Vetting Application form
The NVB will issue the applicant/club member with the NVB Vetting Application form, to the email address provided in Step 2.
The applicant must complete this form.
Completing this form is a confidential matter between you and the NVB. All sections of the form including current and previous addresses, email address and contact telephone numbers, information on convictions and prosecutions (if any), plus other information will be required when completing the form.
Once all sections of the form have been answered, the application process for E Vetting in the GAA is complete.
Post Application Submission
Within a short period of time
- The applicant shall be contacted by the GAA to inform them as to the outcome of the vetting application
- Our Club Secretary will be notified by NVB when the vetting process is complete for the applicant.
- The Club Secretary will notify the club Children’s Officer who maintains the information in the club vetting database
Vetting FAQ
I am already vetted for another Organization, do I need to get vetted again?
You must be specifically vetted for GAA even if you are already vetted for other organisations e.g. Rugby, Soccer etc. THE EXCEPTION IS ANYONE VETTED FOR CAMOGIE & LGFA. (Rounders and Handball already come under the GAA vetting process).
Who needs to be vetted?
In the GAA any person who carries out a role of responsibility such as coaching, managing or training underage teams or indeed adult teams that contain any player under 18 yrs. of age must be vetted. It also applies to organising underage activities or refereeing underage games. Thereafter, each club shall decide if other roles merit a person being vetted.
What if the vetting applicant is under 18 yrs. of age?
GAA vetting services are available to any person over 16 yrs. of age fulfilling a role of responsibility with children or vulnerable adults. A parental consent form (NVB Parent/Guardian Consent Form) must be completed, this is available here, for applicants between 16 and 18 yrs. of age
Primary Contacts re. Vetting
Childrens Officers: Michelle OMahony ;
GAA Website -
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