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The Designated Liaison Person (DLP) at Club level, appointed by Banry Blues GAA Club Executive Committee, and they are responsible for dealing with concerns relating to the possible abuse of children.
Bantry Blues GAA Designated Liasion Person (DLP) ; Claire Russell
Mobile : (087) 938 4820
email ;
The appointed person will have completed the Gaelic Games Designated Liaison Persons Safeguarding Training workshop, regardless of any external prior training or additional qualifications, and have the ability to approach child welfare and protection matters in a sensible, balanced, facilitative and nonthreatening manner and should be aware of the responsibilities that they are required to fulfil on behalf of their Club and their Association.
The Designated Liaison Person will be familiar with the safeguarding and child welfare roles and responsibilities of statutory authorities and agencies within their jurisdiction, and the Association’s Guidance for Dealing with & Reporting Allegations or Concerns of Abuse and our Code of Behaviour (Underage) which can be downloaded here.
It is important to note that the Designated Liaison Person does not have a counselling or therapeutic role or a responsibility for investigating or validating child protection concerns within their Club or County.
The Club DLP shall:
Have detailed knowledge of the GAA Best Practice in Youth Sport and the GAA Guidelines for dealing with allegations of abuse document
Have knowledge of the Code of Ethics Good Practice for Children’s Sport ( Irish Sports Council and Northern Ireland)
Have knowledge of statutory guidelines and relevant legislation as they relate to child protection and welfare of young people
Have knowledge of definitions / categorisation and indicators of abuse
Undertake Code of Ethics ( ISC/Sport NI ) Basic Awareness training provided
by Cumann Luthchleas Gael and any other training relating to their role or to
Child Protection and Welfare matters
Be familiar with and able to carry out reporting procedures as outlined in the
GAA Guidelines for Dealing with allegations of Abuse
Communicate with parents and external agencies as appropriate
Assist with and identify the need for Code of Ethics ( ISC/Sport NI) training
within the Club and other appropriate training in consultation with the Club’s
Children’s Officer
Be aware of local contacts and support services that may assist in developing
and delivering their roles
Advise as appropriate, club administrators on issues of confidentiality, record
keeping and data protection
The role of the DLP is outlined in the GAA Guidelines for Dealing with Allegations of Abuse. It is important to note that the Designated Officer does not have a therapeutic role or a responsibility for investigating or validating child protection concerns within the Club.
Investigations of alleged abuse are carried out by the relevant Statutory Authorities as outlined in Children First and our Duty to Care or by specially appointed trained personnel in counselling, psychological and child therapeutic services. Further review and consideration of any Allegations of Abuse within the GAA Structures may be carried out as deemed necessary by the appropriate body in the GAA , appointed for such purposes.
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