Club Policies
> CLub Membership Policy - Ratified Feb 2025
> Player Injury Scheme Policy : Ratified May 2024
> Gym Policy - Awaiting Ratification
While the detail in this document has been carefully correlated, it is accepted that errors and omissions may occur, and it is expected that the spirit of this document will be adopted by all Club members in achieving best practice.
A policy is a set of general guidelines that outline the organization’s plan for tackling an issue. Policies communicate the connection between the organization’s overall Mission statement, vision and values and its day-to-day operations.
Using policies and procedures together gives Club members a well-rounded view of their Club. They know the type of culture that the organization is striving for, what behaviour is expected and how to achieve both of these.
The absence of written policies results in unnecessary time and effort spent trying to agree on a course of action.
Note: Having appropriate policies in place and communicating these effectively to Club members will play an important role in the running of our club and help to guide and support Club members and officers.
To adopt policies and practices which enhance the club and its activities.
Many of the policies within this document will align directly with GAA National directives regarding policies and procedures. Policies will be introduced at the discretion of the BANTRY BLUES Executive Committee but will not conflict with GAA National Policies and Procedures.
BANTRY BLUES Gaa, & Ladies football will operate in compliance with all relevant legislation such as (but not limited to); Health and Safety, Children’s First, Data Protection, Vetting etc.
Our underage players will spend some of the most enjoyable days of their lives playing our games and socialising with their friends.
Whether attending or playing GAA matches, playing Ladies Football they will do so during some of the most important developmental years of their lives. Our role and our responsibility is to ensure that they benefit from and participate in our Gaelic Games in a safe and enjoyable environment and where our Games are conducted in a spirit of fair play, where everyone working on our behalf emphasises respect, equality, safety and non discrimination in all aspects of our work with children and young people.
Everyone involved in our sports and activities should accept the roles and responsibilities that they undertake as we commit ourselves to maintaining an enjoyable and safe environment for all. The safeguarding of our members will always be a key priority as we recognise that the welfare of the child is of paramount importance in our work.
We wish to see this Code developed, promoted and implemented as an initiative that encourages fair play, respect, equality, safety and non discrimination in all aspects of our work with children and young people.
Membership POLICY- DRAFT :
Members are recommended to complete their Membership Registration Online via the GAA PORTAL ; - this ensures speedy registration with Croke Park and all necessary information regarding players for match day teamsheets is correct.
It is also a policy of our club that any person seeking to play, coach, join committee’s etc. or act in any capacity in relation to hurling and football must pay full Adult or Family membership (whichever is applicable) to the club in order to partake in these roles, regardless of “Life Membership” status.
All those taking part in club activity ( Players, Coaches etc ) must have their membership completed on the Foireann system prior to becoming involved in activities.
All others to ensure that you have voting rights at Club AGM must have registration completed by 31st of March in that calendar year.
In relation to accessing match tickets, Full Members of the club will take priority and thereafter all other groups will be considered for the remaining available tickets if they become available.
Membership Categories and their Entitlements for Bantry Blues GAA Club for 2025 are outlined here:
Full Member ( PLAYER) €90
For all adult players, player registration with Croke Park,cover under the GAA Player Injury Scheme, Club Gym access, full voting rights at Club AGM, Club general meetings and priority inclusion in ticket draws (subject to availability); also free message service on upcoming club events etc.
Full Member ( Non -PLAYER) €50
For all adults, coaches, mentors, Club officers, Club committee members, Sub-committee members , supporters and any person out of full-time education and under the age of 66
Family Membership €150
2 adults “Husband/ Wife, Partners etc.” and can include up to 6 children U-18 €150
Full individual adult rate applies to adults without u-18 dependents in the same household, however, where a family consists of a husband/wife, partners only without children u-18, they can qualify under family membership.
Adults paying Family Membership can act as coaches, mentors, officers, Club Committee members, Sub-committee members will have full voting rights at Club AGM and priority inclusion in match ticket draws, (subject to availability); free message service on upcoming club events etc.
Juveniles do not hold voting rights and do not hold priority in ticket draws.
Under 18 Membership €50.00
All Club players up to the age of 18 years– Playing membership of Juvenile and Senior club as appropriate, Under 18’s will have no voting rights and no priority in Match ticket draws (subject to availability)
Boy or Girl under 6 years of age on Jan. 1st 2025 - ( Year of birth 2019 - 2020 ) ABC Club ( Agility, Balance, Co-Ordination) SKILLS4KIDS introduces our future stars to fundamental movements through fun and activity
BALL4ALL Membership €50.00
All BALL4ALL players up to the age of 18 years– Playing membership of Juvenile , Under 18’s will have no voting rights and no priority in Match ticket draws (subject to availability)
Fun, non competitive social football. Participation membership of Mothers & Others activities, will have no voting rights and no priority in Match ticket draws (subject to availability)
OAP membership €50.00
Those over the age of 66 years can act as coaches, mentors, Club Officers, Club Committee members, Sub-committee members, having full voting rights and priority inclusion in Match ticket draws (subject to availability); free message service on upcoming club events etc. is available.
Note: Adult Membership ( Player & Non Player) – a person who celebrated their 18th birthday in the previous calendar year is considered Adult
Player Injury Policy.
BANTRY BLUES operates under the GAA Player Injury Scheme. The guidelines for making Claims under the GAA Scheme are strict and it should be noted that processing and finalising Claims can take considerable time.
All Members, Players, Parents / Guardians, are made, and kept, fully aware of our Club Policy in respect of Injury Claims.
Important Note
We would also remind all, that the playing of Gaelic Football, Hurling involves the risk of Injury and it is each individual registered player’s responsibility to familiarise themselves with the terms and benefits of the GAA Injury Benefit fund
Each player needs to ensure that they have adequate cover in place to meet their own individual needs and personal circumstances. The GAA Injury Benefit Fund is only in place to cover benefits which cannot be claimed elsewhere and is a benefit cover only. Members should not use the fund as their only recourse or be dependent on the fund to compensate them fully for any losses associated with the injury sustained.
• Injuries requiring routine Physiotherapy (typically muscle strains)
Please note routine Physiotherapy is not covered through the GAA Player Injury Scheme. The club thus cannot claim any money back for physio treatment.
The club understands Players will need treatment from time to time and will reimburse €30 Per session for the first 3 Physio sessions, provided a Club approved Physio is used, the club Injuries Officer must be made aware of the injury.
• Serious Injuries requiring Operative Procedures \ Hospital care
First and foremost, only fully paid up members can avail of the Players Injury Scheme.
All serious injuries incurred during a match against an opposing team must be included in the referee’s reports. Unless included in the referee’s report, any claim will be rejected by the Players Injury Scheme. Notifying the referee is both the responsibility of the player and the mentor so please act on this.
Any injury claim needs to be logged within 60 days of the incident. Past that, we cannot forward any claim to the Players Injury Scheme. This includes injuries incurred in training.
Any player who wishes to make a Claim against the GAA Players Injury Scheme and who also has Private Health Insurance ( VHI, LAYA, Aviva, Garda Medical Aid, etc. ) may do so, but in all cases you must first Apply under your own Private Health Policy. If your Private Health Insurance Policy covers your Claim, then there is no further action required. Should there be an Excess on the Private Policy which exceeds your Claim, then the GAA Injury Scheme will accept your Claim. A Statement of Account from your Private Health Insurers which sets out their position on the overall Claim will be required if you wish to further your Claim through the GAA Scheme. If you are claiming through your Private Health cover, the injury still needs to be logged with the Players Injury Scheme within 60 days (to ensure any uncovered costs can be subsequently claimed from the Player Injury Scheme). The initial logging of this does not need to include details on costs and can be updated afterwards. It is recommended here to log the injury immediately after occurrence.
The Excess on the Player Injury Scheme is currently set at €100. This Excess will be covered by the Club. The Player, Parent or Guardian will not be out of pocket but will have to wait until the claims process has completed for reimbursement.
Original Receipts only will be accepted when submitting claims.
1. If the injury occurs in the game, the player \ mentors must notify the referee and ensure it in included in the match report.
> The Injury must be recorded in the Clubs Injury Report book " FORM1" , by the player and confirmed by their team manager . This Book is available in the CLUB Office
> The player takes a copy of this form ( PINK SLIP ) & then completes Injury LOG REPORT by scanning the QR Code on the PINK SLIP - for players U18, this is completed by their Parent/ Guardain . The information here is only for the use of the Club injuries Officer and DWF Clains ( the GAAs Injuries Scheme Administrators )
NOTE: Should the Injury require more than 3 Physio visits or further treatment the player ( or it U18 , a paent / guardian, MUST inform the CLUBS Injuries Officer,to ensure that this injury is recorded with the GAA INJURY BENEFIT SCHEME. This needs to be done within 45 days of the injury occuring, otherwise the claim will be invalid. Player will not be able to make any claim for treatments and will be liable for any costs incurred for that treatment.
3. If the player has private health insurance, the claim needs to be made through this Provider first. If the claim is fully covered, no more needs to be done. For any excess not covered, a Statement of Account from your Private Health Insurers which sets out their position on the overall Claim will be required if you wish to further your Claim through the GAA Scheme. Please provide this statement to the club Injuries Officer
4. All medical procedures are paid upfront by the injured party. The club will reimburse €100 euro immediately. Once a successful claim has been made through the GAA Player Injury scheme, the club will provide the remainder of the funds to the injured party.
BANTRY BLUES Club can only make payments to players on foot of Claims after the GAA Players Injury Scheme has reimbursed the Club in respect of those Medical Expenses and Loss of wages claims.
For clarification on any of the above, please contact the Club Injuries Officer : Caroline OConnell : CLICK to EMAIL
Note: The most Up to Date official GAA procedure will always supersede the club’s procedure.
In summary, the GAA Injury Benefit Fund is in place to cover benefits which cannot be claimed elsewhere. Therefore, if a claimant is seeking to claim benefit from the fund, they must exhaust all other avenues before making a claim under the GAA Injury Benefit Fund. Furthermore, the Injury Benefit Fund should not be used as a guarantee for the payment of expenses. Ultimately, the responsibility to ensure that adequate cover is in place lies with the individual member, commensurate with his \ her specific needs and members should not use the fund as their only recourse or be dependent on the fund to compensate them fully for any losses associated with the injury sustained.
The gym in BANTRY BLUES Club was originally established by the adult players group for team training purposes. Over the years the gym has been improved, expanded, and upgraded by the various adult player groups with committee support. The primary role of the gym is for use for BANTRY BLUES player’s training and preparations for competitions with our various teams.
Full members may also avail of the gym facilities but must be do so during hours when the gym is not in use for player group training purposes. ???
The Following Rules have been established to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all participants, and to preserve our facilities for their intended use and users. Cooperation of all members is appreciated.
· Only 18years of age or over are permitted to enter/use the gym unless in a supervised group training session
· Only full members of BANTRY BLUES Club can use our Gym,The GYM is also available to outside qualified instructors for private hire
· Individual’s access to gym will be via key fob issued to qualifying members on payment of the set fee. Proper use of this fob will be monitored
· The key Fob is the responsibility of the holder and any misuse of such could result in the de-activation of this fob. The user will also be responsible for any fob lost or damaged.
· Access fob to gym will be de-activated once membership has expired. On renewal of your membership and payment of annual fee for key fob, Access will be reactivated.
· Participation is at your own risk.
· No one can use the free weights on their own.
· Users are responsible for reading and adhering to gym policy and notices.
· Gym closing times is 9:30pm
· All users must be considerate of others using the gym.
· Bring a towel with you to the gym and wipe down equipment after use.
· Equipment Should be used for the intended purpose in the appropriate manner.
· · Return free weights properly on rack after each use.
· Gym to be left clean and tidy.
· Switch off lights when finished.
Ensure all windows & doors are securely closed
· Please report any malfunction /damage or issues to the club Secretary.
Please Note there is 24hr security camera in GYM, and all Fob activity is digitally recorded
GAA Club Substance Use Policy
1. Aims and Objectives
The aim of this policy is to ensure that all Bantry Blues members are kept safe from substance-related harm when involved in club activities.
Our objectives are:
· To promote the health and wellbeing of all club members.
· To develop a consistent approach to drug-related issues to be adopted by all club members.
· To develop procedures and protocols that address drug-related issues in the club.
· To establish clear procedures for managing specific incidents of suspected drug misuse.
· To provide onward referral to specialist services for members presenting with substance related issues.
2. Scope & Limitations
Cumann Lúthchleas Gael is committed to discouraging the use of drugs and tobacco and the misuse of alcohol on the basis that such activity is incompatible with a healthy approach to sporting activity. It understands that such behaviours can have detrimental social and health consequences on the individuals involved, and on those to whom they are connected.
Bantry Blues believe that we need to work towards creating a safe, healthy club environment where we can develop the skills and attitudes necessary to enjoy our health to the fullest.
All club members, officials, coaches and volunteers as part of this club shall follow the law when it comes to illegal substances, tobacco and alcohol and shall display leadership and good example, particularly when dealing with underage members. This policy applies to all members as well as all users of the club’s buildings and grounds.
For practical purposes this policy has been kept as succinct as possible. It has been developed from a template provided by the GAA’s Community & Health department (see for more information on the topic of substance use). Representatives of both the Local and Regional Drug & Alcohol Task Forces in the ROI and the Drug & Alcohol Community Teams (DACTs) in NI were consulted in the development of this policy, and contact details for the local agency is found at the back end of this policy.
3. Definition of Drugs
For the purpose of this policy the term ‘substance’ shall be used to cover any chemical which alters how the body works, or how the person behaves or feels and may include all mood-altering substances, both legal and illegal. Examples include:
· Alcohol and Tobacco
· ‘Over the counter’ medicines that may be misused such as those containing codeine (e.g. Solpadeine), co-codomal, paracodal, cough medicines, antihistamines, laxatives, and paracetamol.
· Volatile substances such as aerosols, glues, petrol, cigarette lighter fuels etc.
· Products and substances sold online and in “headshops” that cause intoxication.
· Controlled drugs such as cannabis, ecstasy, amphetamines, magic mushrooms, cocaine, etc.
· Performance enhancing sports related drugs as outlined by the World Anti-Doping Agency, and covered under Rule 1.16 of the Official Guide Book (for more information, see
4. List of Actions (these are recommended, and others can be inserted as required)
The Chairperson and Executive of the club shall adopt and discharge actions from the following list in line with available resources and supports.
Bantry Blues shall take the following actions:
· Adhere to GAA Rules 1.18 (l) (i) & (ii) prohibiting the sponsorship of teams catering exclusively for young players under 18 years of age by alcohol companies, including the branding of any gear and equipment. (See GAA Official Guide for full wording).
· Club members, officials, coaches and volunteers shall not present themselves at official club activities while under the influence of alcohol or any other substances (unless previously declared and prescribed by a medical professional). Where alcohol is being served at an official club function it must be consumed responsibly.
· Coaches and Club Officials shall not smoke/vape, drink alcohol, or use any other substances (unless previously declared and prescribed by a medical professional) while representing their club at matches or training sessions.
· All efforts shall be made to ensure Under 18 players/members are not brought to licensed premises following matches, outings, or training sessions.
· Cups shall not be filled with alcohol during celebrations.
· Cigarettes/E-Cigarettes shall not be sold in the clubhouse. (A separate GAA smoke-free policy is available for clubs that wish to become smoke-free campuses – see for more info.)
· Illegal substances, tobacco and alcohol will not be permitted in changing rooms or at pitch-sides.
All persons associated with our club can help prevent substance-related harm from occurring during club activities.
5. Recommended roles within club
5.1 Club Members
Will be aware of the details of and adhere to Bantry Blues Substance Use Policy
5.2 Parents and Guardians
Will support the club in the development and implementation of this policy including procedures for handling incidents of suspected substance use.
5.3 Healthy Club Officer
Is responsible for overseeing the development, implementation, and evaluation of this policy in conjunction with the Club Chairperson and Executive.
Shall have good knowledge of the local alcohol, substance, and health promotion services to assist in harm prevention and education activities and appropriate responses to incidents should such needs arise.
5.4 Coaches
Will be aware of the possibility of substance use among players and work with the Healthy Club Officer, Club Chairperson, and Executives with the aim of preventing harm.
5.5 Club Chairperson and Executive
All relevant information pertaining to a potential breach of this policy should be brought to the attention of the Club Chairperson who shall consult with the necessary parties, and, informed by this policy, decide on the appropriate action, if any. In the event of the Chairperson not being available to discharge these duties this responsibility will then fall to the Vice Chairperson or Secretary.
6. Education programme about drugs and alcohol
The Healthy Club Officer in conjunction with the Club Chairperson and Executive shall make arrangements with local drug, alcohol, youth or health promotion services to provide drug education for interested youths and adults associated with the club. More information can be found at
It is the policy of the GAA that health information on alcohol and other drugs must be independent from any influence of the alcohol industry, including any campaigns, programmes or initiatives funded, or co-funded by the alcohol industry, including Drinkaware.
Protocol for dealing with incidents:
Bantry Blues shall endeavour to respond to all substance-related incidents in a firm but fair manner, with due respect for the safety and welfare of individuals involved, other members of the club and the wider community and shall also fulfil any legal obligations that might apply. The points below offer guidance to the club in handling incidents involving illicit drugs both during club activities and relating to members in a wider societal context.
7.1 The use of illicit drugs is viewed as unacceptable by Bantry Blues and may be dealt with by way of warnings, suspensions and expulsions as deemed appropriate by decision of the County Executive, on a case-by-case basis, with proportionality considered. It is also unacceptable for members or officials to present themselves for county duties while under the influence of a drug. (Suspension, if issued, will mean that the member involved cannot represent the club in any way during their term of suspension.) Considerations may be made for incidents involving members that occur outside official county activities of events.
7.2 In a case where a club becomes aware that a member has been charged with the illegal supply of drugs the Club Executive will ask this individual to stand aside from club activities until the matter has been dealt with in the court of law, notwithstanding the individual’s right of a presumption of innocence until proven guilty. (Where it is known that a club member is being charged with the illegal supply of drugs the matter must be brought to the attention the Community & Health Department in Croke Park, who can give guidance on the appropriate response on a case by case basis.)
7.3 Members of the Club Executive should arrange to meet with those involved in an incident with which this policy is concerned. Details recorded in critical incident forms should be discussed and appropriate support should be offered to those involved. The same members of the executive should also consider a separate meeting with the club member who has negatively impacted the club in relation to drug, alcohol or tobacco use. Consideration should be given to the health and wellbeing of the person, with signposting to appropriate drug, alcohol and psychological supports. It should be made clear to all parties involved that media requests should be handled by Croke Park Head Quarters.
7. Appeal and Review process
A suspended member will have the right of appeal to the Hearings Committee of the County Executive where a member of the Club Executive and the suspended member will have the right to be heard. Normal Standing orders will apply to such a meeting.
8. Reporting of Incidents
Alleged or confirmed incidents in breach of this policy shall be referred to the Club Chairperson and Healthy Club Officer. Matters relating to the supply of drugs MUST also be brought to the attention of the chair of the County Health & Wellbeing Committee, who can give guidance on the appropriate response on a case by case basis.
9.1 Recording of Information
Information regarding alleged or confirmed incidents in breach of this policy shall be recorded in writing. The recording of factual information only is recommended, and all opinions shall be stated as such. Responses to cases shall also be recorded in this way. Only in confirmed cases shall names of individuals be recorded.
9.2 Confidentiality
While it is not possible to guarantee, every effort shall be made to respect confidentiality.
9.3 Involving Parents/Guardians
Incidents involving any person under 18 years of age will require their parents/guardians to be informed. Parents/guardians shall be invited to discuss what has happened and shall be informed of any course of action to be taken by the club. The Club Chairperson shall nominate a person to inform parents/guardians in each case.
9.4 Garda Síochána Involvement
Incidents that involve the illegal supply of drugs shall require Garda Síochána involvement. In all other drug-related incidents, each case shall be considered on an individual basis and the decision shall rest with the Club Chairperson as to whether or not the Garda Síochána/PSNI is involved.
9.5 Media guidelines
Any incident that attracts or has the potential to attract media interest or attention should be reported to Croke Park. The club should not engage in any discourse with the media, rather should signpost them to the Communications Department in Croke Park. Email:
10. Search
The Club Chairperson retains the right to direct a search of any part of club property if there is reasonable cause to believe a substance in breach of this policy is contained therein. Two officials of the club shall conduct the search. Club officials are not allowed to search an individual or their personal property. Where there is reasonable cause to believe a person has in their possession a substance in breach of this policy, they shall be asked to volunteer the substance. If they refuse, the Garda Síochána may be called in to conduct a search.
10.1 Disposing of suspected illegal substances
If a suspected illegal substance is found on club property it should be brought to the attention of the Club Chairperson. The substance should be stored securely, and the Chairperson shall contact Garda Síochána to have it collected or to inform them who from the club will deliver it to them and when. Any movement of suspected illegal substances shall be recorded and witnessed by two club officials. At no time should a suspected illegal substance be removed from club property without the knowledge of the Garda Síochána.
11. Dealing with drug litter/paraphernalia
Drug paraphernalia, when it is not disposed of properly, is known as drug litter. Drug paraphernalia is any equipment or material that is used for making, using or carrying drugs. Some such materials can poise considerable health risks (especially syringes). To find out more about the proper disposal of such materials see:
12. Availability, use and storage of solvents and gases
Many solvent based products have the potential to be abused (e.g. deodorants, paints, thinners, cleaning fluids etc). All solvent based materials and gases shall be stored securely and safely away from public access.
13. Monitoring and Evaluation
This policy is in force at all times and during all activities conducted under the aegis of Cumann Lúthchleas Gael. This policy shall be evaluated annually and after every drug-related incident.
This policy shall come into effect on 8th Feb 2024 and shall be reviewed annually thereafter by the Healthy Club Officer in conjunction with the Club Chairperson and Executive.
Signed Arthur Coakley Club Chairperson Signed Mark O’ Donovan Healthy Club Officer
Date 8th Feb 2024 Date 8th Feb 2024
Contact details of your local drug and alcohol agency here and review annually:
Healthy Clubs contacts :
Gordon Kingsley : 087 0553657
Danny Fitzpatrickn : 087 7682763 Service: Southern region drugs and alcohol task force
Kate Gibney : 087 0553157 Email:
Drug & Alcohol Helpline : 1800 459 459
Local Garda Síochána here and review annually:
Station: Bantry Contact name: Bridget Hartnett Number: (027) 20860 Email:
Grievance Policy.
Sponsorship and Fundraising Policy.
Expense Reimbursement Policy.
Inclusion Policy.
Social Media policy